Spring Break

Last week was our schools’ spring break and I had planned to do lots of writing and revising on the novel I wrote last November as part of my Camp NaNoWriMo project and also to do a lot of quilting.

But it turns out that I did almost no writing and very little quilting. Instead I caught up on various projects around the house that there never seems to be time for. Also, Orkin came  out last Wednesday to remove all the old insulation in my attic, clean up the rat droppings, and blow in new insulation. They did a fabulous job and they also said that my friend, Paul, had effectively screened the roof vents and removed sufficient vegetation. I’ve been declared rat free and I’m very happy to report that no rats were trapped. I suspect they were using the attic at night and that they were out foraging for food during the day and so when the screening was put in place they were outside.

I have a friend who says that rats are exceptionally smart and I’m hoping they realized that my attic was no longer a safe space. So the rats have gone elsewhere and my home is now rat free. I call that a win-win.

School is now back in session and there is a big push by students to reach their goals before the school year ends. The calendar says it’s spring, but our weather has been pretty wet and cold. However, next week is supposed to be nicer so we’ll see.